
Explainer Animation Video & Illustration
This Project is an explainer video for a project that's being developed at the moment with a fellow designer Roey Alfassi. This video explains the idea behind the wonderful app meant to help manage and build projects that help the community.
More About The Project

I used and developed the visual language using the ideals and concept of the project and app itself, in order to emphasize how different people working together, how giving a hand can help and making something impactful and positive, the design uses the imagery of hands and colors working together, developing something complex, yet at the same time using a the app that simplifies the process.
Still In Process
Lets is still in the process of being developed, the platform and design are being worked on as we speak and will continue to grow with the communities it is meant for.
Color Palette
The color palette is quite diverse but also limited to these specific colors. Because the design is mostly vector based, through the reduction the playfulness grows. The colors symbolize the diverseness of communities.
The patterns complement the style of the design, vector based as well, adding to the concept of positivity, diversity and community.
Character Design
The characters are non realistic and simplistic. The variety of the design combined with the resembling parts of it in each main character are a big part of the concept.
The Hands
Each person in any community giving a hand is the basis of Lets, and therefor is emphasized in the concept and design as well. The hands become a focus in the video, helping it move along.